翻译 中—>英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:18:03

1949 ~ 1997: pessimistic look, facing "terror-China"

This is the debut "Time" cover the most intensive period: 28 years of time, there were 21 times the cover to the socialist road of this faltering ahead of the country, which is China's misreading of the most serious period: behind the crawling locust from Mao Zedong to The greedy dragon of Taiwan, to the colored glasses have been distorted under Zhou Enlai; deep misreading of the background to this is the West country for the Red regime vague fear: "rubber Communists" "crazy leap", "hungry giant," "lone Air "....... those full of sadness color, filled with unspeakable Tokgo and terror, both wound up in the West fear the Chinese have doubts , they used the "fanatical" and "irrational" to describe the other side of China

- "International Herald Tribune"